Deep Dark Secrets

Title: Deep Dark Secrets
Genre: ,
Pages: 140

We all keep secrets. Sometimes our own, sometimes others’. Sometimes we keep them consciously, sometimes our subconscious does the hard work for us.

But at some point, the truth will come out. It may get us in trouble, it may save us.

What is absolutely certain: it will bring change.

Deep Dark Secrets is a collection of five mystery short stories: Hidden Horrors, Out of Sight, Cold Blue Eternity, Sitting Duck, and Just Desserts.



A Thief in the Night

Title: A Thief in the Night
Genre: ,
Pages: 180
Publication Date: 14/10/2021

What makes a mystery intriguing? Which element makes the investigators’ sixth sense rear up and say this crime will stand out in their memories forever?

Dozens of crabs pushing a man to jump from his balcony should do the trick. Or an island’s one of two inhabitants eating rat poison with his cereal. How about an octogenarian going after internet trolls? An experienced kayaker surprised by bad weather? Or a jailbreak creating unimaginable damage with a slight miscalculation.

All of the above are covered in A Thief in the Night. Contains the short stories Critters, Two’s Company, Gertrude and the Trojan Horse, Like Mother Like Daughter, and The Red Brick Haze.



Tales From the Trenches

Title: Tales From the Trenches
Genre: ,
Pages: 123
Publication Date: 18/11/2021

Nobody ever said high school was boring — or easy.

Everyone searches for their place — some do their best to fit in, others thrive in standing out.

From new-kid status to dealing with bullies and impossible parents, from coming face-to-face with weird Martians to being accused of murder on the very first day of school, the high school years are... unforgettable.

Tales From the Trenches is a collection of five Young Adult short stories across genres: First Impressions, Unexpected Consequences, The Lucia Crown, Let Them Eat Cake, and The Art of Pretending.


Heartwarming Holiday Tales

Title: Heartwarming Holiday Tales
Genre: ,
Pages: 110
Publication Date: 14/04/2022

The holiday spirit comes in all flavors, depending on who does the wishing.

Norwegian Nisse hope for their bowl of porridge on Christmas Eve, while parachute-jumping mice plan a heist to get their paws on this year’s cheese platter.

A woman’s hometown visit triggers memories of sweet teenage crushes, while discarded Christmas trees search for a new purpose. Ghosts even pray for snow while attempting to resolve their unfinished business.

Heartwarming Holiday Tales presents the short stories The Magic of Sharing, Down the Memory Aisle, Morbier Impossible, A Second Chance, and Severed Ties.

All with a guarantee of holiday happily-ever-afters…


Love at First Flight

Title: Love at First Flight
Genre: ,
Pages: 220
Publication Date: 17/02/2022

A perfectly delivered right hook to the face hardly announces the beginnings of a promising relationship. And yet, Thomas finds himself drawn to the beautiful, hot-mess-of-a-woman sitting next to him on the plane.

Isabelle, running from her old life with nothing but a carry-on and a bag full of chocolate, didn't need to add assault to her list of worries. Nor her ill-timed attraction to the kind man whose glasses she just smashed into his nose.

Their story could have ended with an awkward parting at the airport, but destiny and a meddling brother clearly think otherwise — even though the hits keep coming...


Flirting in Plain Sight

Title: Flirting in Plain Sight
Series: French Office Romance #1
Genre: ,
Pages: 190

Be sure to define the rules before you play…

Tristan will come out to his colleagues when he meets the right guy. He just hasn’t met him yet.

Fidi, out and proud, plays a game with his colleagues to prove that they treat him differently because of his sexuality.

But what happens when someone doesn’t play by the rules?

Also in this series:

This book was first published in 2019 under the author name Eva Saint-Julien.


Hiding in Plain Sight

Title: Hiding in Plain Sight
Series: French Office Romance #2
Genre: ,
Pages: 200

Like so many introverts, Laure has a secret persona online - one who writes romance. Every Saturday night, she gets comfortable with her blanket, her tea, and her laptop, and reads and writes love stories to her heart’s content.

In real life, she has a crush on her colleague Denis. She’d love to be as forward and adventurous as her characters and flirt with the guy, but her shyness stops her from doing more than asking for his help on correcting today’s bug.

Everything is going along just fine - until her two worlds start to overlap.

Also in this series:

Loving in Plain Sight

Title: Loving in Plain Sight
Series: French Office Romance #3
Genre: , ,
Pages: 50
Publication Date: 15/06/2021

As the country shuts down to fight the Corona virus, Denis sees an opportunity.

His girlfriend Laure has been unofficially living with him for months already, but she’s the only one who doesn’t realize this. Now that she has to choose where her home base will be for the upcoming weeks, Denis hopes she’s choose his place.

In fact, he wants her to stay for more than however long lockdown lasts. Like maybe forever.


This story comes after Hiding in Plain Sight. An epilogue of sorts, but from Denis' point of view. It is only available to newsletter subscribers.
Also in this series:


The Red Brick Haze

The Red Brick Haze: A Tolosa MysteryTitle: The Red Brick Haze
Series: The Tolosa Mysteries #1
Pages: 80

No good deed goes unpunished.

When an explosion lays waste to part of the city of Toulouse and the citizens attempt to recover in the ravaged cityscape, Louis runs to the aid of people in need.

Chivalrous intent clashes with nefarious goals as Louis has to save himself and those he loves.


Also in this series:

The Real World

The explosion from this story really happened. If you want to see a picture of the chemical factory before it blew up, check out this blog post.


The Red Brick Cellars

Title: The Red Brick Cellars
Series: The Tolosa Mysteries #2
Pages: 300

A murdered mayor. A second body reduced to skeleton and dust. The public display so horrific that the police are baffled.

Everyone assumes uninterested heir Louis Saint-Blancat will finally settle down and focus on the politics of Toulouse, France. Louis becomes the center of attention in the press while his mother and sister pressure him to follow the family's political tradition when all he wants is to track down his father's killer, then return to his globe-trotting lifestyle.

Determined to ferret out the story behind the perplexing assassination that took place at the very center of Toulouse to advance her career, struggling English journalist Catherine Marty finds an unlikely ally in Louis.

Will the two sleuths discover what is lurking beneath the apparent congeniality of la Ville Rose?


Also in this series: