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A Thief in the Night

For this month’s release, we have another collection of short stories. As usual, some take place in France, some in Norway.

And they’re all a little weird. (Also, as usual, I think…)

What makes a mystery intriguing? Which element makes the investigators’ sixth sense rear up and say this crime will stand out in their memories forever?

Dozens of crabs pushing a man to jump from his balcony should do the trick. Or an island’s one of two inhabitants eating rat poison with his cereal. How about an octagonarian going after internet trolls? An experienced kayaker surprised by bad weather? Or a jail break creating unimaginable damage with a slight miscalculation.

All of the above are covered in A Thief in the Night. Contains the short stories Critters, Two’s Company, Gertrude and the Trojan Horse, Like Mother Like Daughter, and The Red Brick Haze.


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Like Mother Like Daughter: A Mystery Short Story

Here’s a short story I wrote some time ago, when a beautiful kayak trip in Norway apparently inspired yet another murder mystery.

Like Mother Like DaughterLike Mother Like Daughter

Siri returns to her childhood summer house after her mother is found dead in a creek after a solo kayak trip.

What was meant to be a simple closing up of the
house turns into an investigation into whatever her mother had been up to before she died.

Siri may take a kayak trip of her own.



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Two’s Company: A Mystery Short Story

Two's Company

This short story has actually been out a while but it’s possible I forgot to announce it here on the website… So, anyway. Another mystery short story set in Norway, in one of those remote places that I like so much.

Two's CompanyTwo’s Company

Officer Belamy travels to a tiny island on the Norwegian coast to help clear up the murder of a French citizen.

The island offers an awful boat ride, tall, blond Norwegian police officers, and a talkative lady desperate for company.

And silence. Lots of silence.



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New Mystery Short Story Available

As promised, I continue publishing last year’s short stories. This one is Mystery (like a majority of my stories) and it’s quite funny. At least it was fun to write!

I usually spend two or three weeks in Norway every summer, and most years we eat at least a meal or two of crabs. Seems like last year, this was a source of inspiration!


Some crimes are more interesting than others.

Some killers are more surprising than others.

Today’s murderer appears to be a crab.


