This is a big month for me, short story wise. The second of my Ghost Detective short stories is published in Pulphouse Fiction Magazine issue #11, and I have two time travel stories in two different Cave Creek anthologies. So awesome!
I have upwards of ten Ghost Detective stories waiting their turn to appear in Pulphouse. I’m thrilled to find myself in volumes with such excellent writers.
Lost Friends is the second Ghost Detective story, and it’s one of my all time personal favorites. If you want to check out the magazine, you can find all the relevant links here.
Or you can wait until I publish the story individually in a few months.
Now, Cave Creek, is something brand new. Dean Wesley Smith has created a shared world, set in a made-up town called Cave Creek, Nevada.
Weird stuff happens in Cave Creek. It’s western and weird and time travel. And excellent storytelling.

Somehow, I managed to get not one, but two stories in there. There are three anthologies; one set in the past, one the present, and one the future. My stories are in the past and present volumes. But feel free to pick up all three!
You can find Moneyline Secrets in the “present” anthology: Open Ended Threat. And Family Secrets in the “past” anthology: Bitter Mountain Moonlight.
That’s a whole lot of weird stories. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I did!