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Une histoire en français !

Pour tous ceux qui m’ont demandé : “Alors, c’est pour quand la traduction en français de tes histoires ?” Eh ben, maintenant, apparemment.

Grâce à un beau-père et un conjoint très motivés, une de mes nouvelles est désormais traduite en français et publiée. Si vous trouvez des erreurs de français sur cette page, ne vous inquiétez pas, ce n’est pas représentatif du niveau de la traduction. Mes deux traducteurs ont fait le plus gros du boulot, en s’assurant que le français tienne la route, puis j’ai fait une dernière vérification pour m’assurer que l’histoire était bien fidèle à l’original.

Ne vous attendez pas à voir tous mes livres traduits – cela demande beaucoup de boulot – mais un certain nombre de nouvelles devront voir le jour au fil du temps.

Quelle est cette histoire qui se lance en premier ? Elle s’appelle La magie du partage. La version anglaise faisait partie du Holiday Spectacular 2020 de WMG Publishing, un calendrier de l’avent d’histoires qui courait de Thanksgiving au Nouvel An. J’ai eu droit au jour de Noël !

N’hésitez pas à me dire ce que vous en pensez !

La magie du partage

Au fond de la campagne norvégienne, dans le froid, une famille de nisse regarde la famille de la ferme célébrer Noël, avec nourriture traditionnelle et cadeaux, comme il se doit.

Ils attendent, sans réel espoir, leur tour.

Ils n’ont pas besoin de nourriture pour survivre ou de cadeaux pour être heureux. Ils ont besoin qu’on croie en eux.

La Magie du Partage est un conte d’espoir et de partage, porridge et luge inclus !


J’ai également fait évoluer ma newsletter. Il est désormais possible de s’inscrire et ne recevoir que les mises à jour en français. La fréquence ne sera pas du tout la même qu’en anglais, mais si vous êtes allergiques à l’anglais, sachez que l’option existe.

Sur ce, je vous laisse. J’ai la vérification d’une autre nouvelle traduite à faire !

(Vous avez vu ? Quasiment tout le site est traduit en français !)


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Free Story: The Magic of Sharing

This year, I’m lucky enough to have a story in WMG’s Holiday Spectacular. Basically, it’s an advent calendar, with a story a day. Some are part of the Mysterious Christmas anthology, some are in the Sweet Holidays anthology, and some are in Fantastic Christmas.

And today, it’s my turn, with my story The Magic of Sharing. The story will be available for free here for one week. It’s still possible to pick up all 37 stories of the calendar at WMG!

This story is part of the Fantastic Christmas anthology. I took at trip home to Norway during the holiday season, and paid a visit to the nisser.

Missed the Story?

This story was only available for one week. No panic, though! You can still get it, either through the WMG Fantastic Christmas collection when it will be available, or when I publish it myself once I get the rights back.

If you want another free story, you can head over and sign up for my newsletter, where you can download The Red Brick Haze. I’m warning you, though: that story is nothing like this one…

Happy Holidays!


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A Second Chance: A Holiday Short Story

One more holiday story before the end of the year. This is more of a post-holiday story, really, but I think it still fits in December.

I wrote this ages ago but never got around to publishing it – and I don’t even know why! Better late than never, right?


A Second Chance

The Christmas tree stands at the very center of the action during the holidays. It lights the way through the dark, guards the gifts, brings joy.

But once the holidays end and the needles fall, the owners kick the trees to the curb. Quite literally.

Which is where I find them.

I listen to their stories, good or bad. And help them transition into the next phase of their existence.

A Second Chance is a fantasy post-Christmas story about letting go of the past and finding new beginnings.


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Morbier Impossible: A Holiday Short Story

It’s December! Time for holiday stories!

I had so much fun writing this one. Mice in parachutes! A dangerous cat. A platter full of mythical cheese. What’s not to love?

Morbier Impossible

What risks will you take for the perfect bounty?

Mice have no business jumping in parachutes, you say?

I couldn’t agree more.

And yet, here I am, about to throw myself into the void with nothing but a piece of cloth tied to my back.

But at the other end, if we succeed on this suicidal mission? The mythical Christmas cheese platter with its deliciously creamy Morbier.

Join the adventure as our hero faces his fears in his quest to put his paws on the perfect Christmas dinner.


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Cold Blue Eternity: A Mystery Short Story

Blog Post Cold Blue Eternity

Another short story is out! This one’s mostly mystery, set in the French Alps, but with a fantasy element.

Cold Blue Eternity

Cold Blue Eternity

In a tiny village perched at the foot of a great glacier in the French Alps, a specific brand of crazy haunts its inhabitants.

An old lady bakes poisoned cookies. A man robs the bank every time he sets foot inside the doors. A woman tries to murder her husband whenever he cooks.

All manageable.

Until now.

Old legends. Repeating crimes. A melting glacier. Cold Blue Eternity takes the search for answers right into the belly of the beast.


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Unexpected Consequences: An Urban Fantasy Short Story

Unexpected Consequences

Another short story but in a new genre: urban fantasy. It’s set in Grenoble, where I lived for one year when I was in high school. It was fun to be back for the duration of a story!

Unexpected Consequences

Unexpected Consequences

Greg has had it with his parents fighting. He’s had
enough of being blamed and criticized for everything.

Greg wants a new life. Preferably one without his father.

And the bubbles in Grenoble promise just that.

